Friday, September 22, 2006

This week in review

This week in class went pretty well except for I had a few random events take place:

1) Monday-- the first kid peed his pants in class
2) Monday-- in my after school class a girl burnt her hand b/c she was getting water out of the dispenser and got the "hot" water and not the "cold" water. Apparently 5 year olds don't associate red with hot and blue wioth cold yet. Oh well, she should have brought water with her to soccer class anyways.
3) Tuesday-- my second kid peed her pants (I was afraid a trend was starting)

Well, besides 1 burnt hand and two wet pairs of pants everything went as planned! All in all a successful week.

Oh yeah, hopefully this weekend my phone will work b/c we found out where to buy the stupid piece we have been missing. Well, we actually went to the store to get it and after 45 min on taxis and subways and getting lost twice we arrived at the electronics place at 7:10 to find out it closed at 7... oh well. At least now I know. Email me if you need the number.

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