Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Coffee, glorious coffee

This week has been beautiful... no, I am not talking about the weather b/c it has been raining. Anyways, this week has been beautiful because I found a coffee shop and I got a coffee maker! I know, this sounds so trivial, but believe me I could not be happier. For the past month I have been drinking this Maxwell House instant coffee crap. The sad thing was I sort of started to get use to it. Well, not sure if I got use to it or if my body decided it should stop trying to fight the crap that I was drinking b/c it would be the coffee it would get. Tangent, so back on track. The coffee shop is called the Coffee Beanery. It has couches and even magazines in English! There, I sat on a couch drinking REAL coffee with whip cream as I read some trashy gossip magazine... it was so beautiful. Sure the gossip magazine was a month old so I sure it is now old news, but to me it was new. Who knew that Ashley Simpson got a nose job (not me till two days ago). And then, to top it off, I was given a coffee maker! This means in the morning I can now make coffee. Praise the Lord! I need to figure out what type of coffee here is good, but even crappy drip coffee is better than instant coffee. If you don't believe me I will send you some of the stuff I have been drinking and you can compare and get back to me.

I know, simple pleasures for simple people, but I don't like to think of it this way, I like to think of it as a a coffee addicts dream come true.

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