Sunday, September 17, 2006

I found a team!!!!

The other night I was at a bar called O'Malleys and started to talk to this guy named Max. Anyways, I found out that he plays soccer and the team is sponsored by the bar. Turns out that there is a league in Shanghai and that each team kind of represents a country (his team is the Dutch team and there's a British team, Japanese Team, German team, etc.) He told me that they were going to a tournament this weekend and that I could come. Even though I would not be playing I wanted to go and at least be around soccer. Long story short, after their first game like half the team had to leave and they found out that I played so they let me play the last two games. It was kind of funny b/c I felt like a little kid in my father's clothes b/c the jersey was huge, my shorts went past my knees and the socks couldn't stay up w/o tape. Regardless of how ridiculous I looked I did not care... I got to play.

The guys on the team are so nice and I had a great time. Most of them are from Holland, but Max is from Argentina, two guys are from the US, and I am sure another counrty or two is represented.

Every Tues they practice so I am going to start to practice with them. As far as I know there are no women's leagues, so this is all I got. I am not sure if I will play in other games, only if they need me, but I am so stoked to be able to pracitce once a week. At least when I return to Cal Copy I will not have lost my skills, and hopefully they will improve.

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