Thursday, September 14, 2006

I love my kids

So, for the first time my students are listening to me. It is unbelieveable. I hope I am not jinxing myself by openly stating this. I have to say that it is so glorious to be able to feel like I am controlling my classroom instead of my kids driving me into complete insanity where banging my head against the wall seems like more fun (and trust me, that is how I felt last week).

Today I was able to get through my complete lessons and I even had time left over. In case you are wondering, we are learning to ask "What's this" and respond with "It's a..." We are also learning about the letters P and B. It is so awesome to have a job where I get to sing the Hokey Pokey and read Berenstain Bears and act like a complete fool. I always wondered why people taught elementary school but now I know. Despite the agony I have when I have no control, the moments where they listen and do what I say are just beautiful. Also, running around and singing and dancing is actually a good work out, so I kill two birds with one stone!

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