Sunday, August 20, 2006

Some pics from the town

Today we went downtown to explore. It was amazing. China is a beautiful city even with the craziness of all the people. I have not decided who is crazier: the drivers or the bicyclists that don't get out of their way, but that is part of the China fun I guess. The language barrier makes me remember that I am not in the US anymore, but it's fun. My friends have been figuring out everything for me, so I need to step it up. It seems like just when we have hit a wall in regards to launguage someone comes to our rescue to help out with Chinese. It reminds me that I need to be more patient back home with people who do not speak English. Today I had a random person come up to me and want my number to do modeling/acting. Kind of random, but I'll see if he contacts me. He gave me his card, so at least I know it's not completely a scam. It cracks me up how much people here love "Americans". We have a game going to see who has the most people ask to take take pictures with them.

I made a video that I will post when I figure out how. I was just proud that I made one, but now I have to figure out what the heck to do with it. Anyways, enjoy these pics for now and the video should be posted soon.

Me at pearl tower

Some bikes in an alley

The street and the lights

At a pond w/ traditional Chinese architecture

The ever so populated China

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