Monday, August 21, 2006

Poked and prodded

Today I was pretty violated by the Chinese government as I had to pass my phyiscal health exam to get my work Visa. We were bussed to some random medical facility and had to put on blue booties to cover our shoes and white robes (w/ out tops off). First stop: weigh in and height measure (this was not bad). Next stop: getting blood drawn. For those of you who don't know I HATE needles and I have never gotten my blood drawn, well, I have but not for awhile. Surprisingly it wasn't too bad, I just had to turn my head and not look. The only bummer was no lollipops or Snoopy band aids. From there, on to the eye exam. Thank God I had my contacts in... I think I passed. Next room: the ultrasound. Not sure what they were looking for but turns out I am not pregnant so that is good :) After that I had the chest xray. From there was the EKG where they stuck metal sunction cups to me and printed out my heart rate which looked pretty regular, but what do I know? Last stop, blood pressure and some stomach test where they had to feel for something, what I don't know.

So that was the beginning of my day. Kind of funny that all foreigners have to do it, but such is life I guess. I am just happy I didn't pass out from getting blood drawn, that was the high light of my day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ta Da! I'm here. Your site is super cool. I miss you and be sure to put me on this email list if I'm not already here. What cool adventures are you up to this weekend? Love ya- Beth