Sunday, August 20, 2006

The last couple of days...

I realize I have not posted anything in the past couple days, but believe me a lot of randomness has happened. To begin, I LOVE Shanghai. The city is so awesome and beautiful. Today my friends and I journeyed the streets of Shanghai. We went down Pedestrian Road which is a huge street with shopping, lights (at night), etc. This then lead to what is called the Bund which has the most amazing architecture ever. From the we just walked around random streets.

I realize this is vague, so here are random stories from the past couple days:

* My roommates and I have to furnish an apartment which means we have to buy everything. John, my boss, took us to this furniture warehouse that is broken down into little segments that individuals sell various items. Anyways, from this little excursion I managed to buy my bed (full), closet (yes, our apartments don't come with them), and a bed stand for a total of 1400 RMB (in USD that's $150). Pretty amazing since it is all custom ordered.

* My roommate Janai bought her closet from some people who live in the apartment across from us. Well , the closet was on the second floor so we had to get movers to disassemble it and move and and the reassemble it. I guess this is what we thought they would do but instead they decided to try to tie a rope to ir and levy it down over the balcony to the first floor patio. Turned out to not be the greatest idea as the rope got loose and the closet fell. Luckily the wall in the patio caught the closet so it didn't fall the whole way, but let's just say the closet probably won't stand straight for the remainder of its life.

* I have realized that being white kind of makes you stand out in China, but what I didn't realize was that it also causes people to not only stare but want to take pictures with you. Today many of us were asked to be in picutres with random Asians. I even had a father hand my his son (prob around 7 mos) to have him take a picture of me holding his son. On the flip side, I learned that the random people in back alleys don't like their pictures taken.

* Things about Shanghai bathrooms: don't flush toilet paper down them. make sure to bring your own b/c many public restrooms don't have it. in addition, some bathrooms are what we call "squatties". Basially it is a hole in the ground. The irony is that they are made with porcelain like a "normal" toilet but just lower (actually a lot lower) to the ground.

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