Thursday, August 24, 2006

Getting ready for school

I now have a new respect for Kindergarten teachers as we try to prepare for the first days of school. At this time we are basically sorting and organizing supplies from the past years, which is no small task. We also have to decorate our rooms. I have narrowed my theme to a "Fun in the Sun" theme. I plan on making pillars in my room into palm tree type things and having a beach scene with kids playing. On the first days of school I will have the students help to decorate by coloring pictures to post. It is funny because the chairs are so small, they don't even reach my knees. Every morning we start out with a half hour exercise session which consists of a sort of dance routine (think of it as slow line dancing for little kids to this happy Chinese music). This is then followed by a kung fu type routine to some other music. We are in the midst of learning both of the routines. I just can't wait to see the kids doing it. There are close to 300 kids from ages 2 1/2 to 6 that will be doing it so it will be awesome. I will definitely send a video (once I can freaking figure out how).

Yesterday we had a school wide saftey presentation so that we know what to do in case of an emergency, this also included a fire saftey drill. Well, by drill I mean they taught us how to put out fires. It was pretty funny because all the teachrs went outside where they lit a trash can lid full of gasoline on fire. We all waited in line and had to put it out with a fire extinguisher. I guess now I can say that I know how to use a fire extinguisher.

Other than prep, not too much else is going on right now. Everyone pretty much works during the day setting stuff up and at night we run errands, go out to eat, hang out, watch movies, etc. We are slowly moving into our new apartment which is a task of its own b/c it always seems like there is more to buy. I haven't had my furniture delivered yet so my room consists of a mattress, but hopefully that will all change within the next week.

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