Friday, August 10, 2007

Round 2 begins

At this moment I am currently in the process of packing. It is 12:42 am and my flight leaves at 10:50, which means I am on the road by 8. I do not know what to think about leaving and I am in a state of denial. The past few weeks home have been a blast and it is hard knowing that I have to leave. In two days I will be finding my apartment for the year and in 5 days I will report to work for the first day. Part of me is excited to begin this year knowing how good last year was but part of me wants just one more week in San Diego. However, this is always how summers are and life goes on and reality sinks in and it is back to the grind.

Anyways, earlier today I went to sushi with my sister. Like at any good Japanese restaurant, we were given fortune cookies. Here is what mine read:

"Culture and customs of China attract you."

I couldn't help but laugh at the truth the cookie contained. As much as I don't want to leave, China does attract me. Despite the craziness and constant mayhem, there are great things about China that I couldn't experience in just one year. And it is true, I am attracted to China. As much as I like to be in denial about it, I do like it there. I do like the craziness and constant mayhem.

Now I don't know how much I will sleep tonight as my mind races around trying to remember everything I need to do, but it will allow me to sleep on the plane tomorrow. So this is it, this is the start of another year.

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