Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Only me

I feel like I always have random things happen to me. Anyways, today at school I got stung by a caterpillar. Yup, I said caterpillar. I had no freaking idea that caterpillars could be dangerous, but leave it to me to figure it out. One landed on my arm at lunch when I took the kids to the playground. I had no idea what landed on me, but something stung so I swatted it away. I then went to lunch duty where I had to help the kids get their food. While on duty my arm burned like no other so I iced it with a water bottle till I could go to the nurse. It was the nurse who informed me of these "stinging caterpillars". Basically my arm stung all day and it it now still stings 9 hours later. I cannot believe that caterpillars can sting, but I learn something new everyday. Moral of the story: not all caterpillars are nice. Good news: it landed on me and not one of my students (dealing with crying kids is a bit more painful than my sting).

Oh, and to clarify, I did not pick up the caterpillar but it randomly fell on my arm

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