Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My first day

The first day of Kindergarten is always a nerve racking day. Kids are left for the whole day to sit at desks with someone they do not know as their parent leaves. While the first day is a big one for children, it is also a big day for the teachers. As much as one plans for the first day, there are inevitably glitches that come up and events that are unplanned.

My first day as a Reception teacher (basically Pre-K on a Kindergarten curriculum) was one that I was nervous about. To think that I would have the children for 8 hours and that really anything could happen freaked me out. I was excited but there was a huge part of me that was really quite nervous. What is I got a crier? What if I got a pee-er? What if the kids ran around crazy and would not listen? What if they didn't like me?

Well, I survived the first day (and I mean "Survived"). While there were not catastrophes and I got through most of my plans, it was chaos. The schedule was not really clear and the other teachers who were supposed to relieve the other Reception teachers and myself from break and lunch were not put on the schedule, which meant no breaks all day.

With that said, over all the day went well. I did have a high number or criers, but by the end of the day that stopped. My kids are really cute and are quite well behaved. I can definitely tell the difference from teaching at an English school versus a Chinese one in that the kids understand so much more. While not all the kids have English as their first language (one of my boys just moved from Norway last week and does not know any English), the overall comprehension is so much greater.

Today I went into my second day hoping for not as much chaos as yesterday, and I got it. I was stoked to get through my lessons and have things "under control". I still have a lot to figure out and I know that I have many mistakes to make and lessons to learn, but today was reassuring in that I know that it will get better. I don't want to give the impression that things were bad, because the reality is that things have been way better than I thought (I hope I am not jinxing myself).

I am really excited for this year and my kids are already growing on me. I definitely have an international classroom as I have students from the UK, Australia, Korea, Hong Kong, Norway, France, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and I am sure another country or two that I am forgetting.

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