Saturday, August 18, 2007

I am moved in!!!!

So I am officially in my apartment. Actually, at this moment I am sitting at my window seat that over looks the street typing. I feel really good about my apartment and I like it even more now than before. Of course it isn't perfect, but whose place is? I still need to unpack most of my stuff and go shopping for more stuff but it is coming together nicely. The highlights of my apartment are the two couches, satellite TV that is in English, and the two big plant tree things my landlords left. Of course there are other good things about the apartment like all the windows to let in sunlights, the fact that I have an extra bedroom, the location, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf being only a block away, and the fact that is is mine. I am excited to be able to not live out of a suit case and be able to unpack and decorate a little. I know it will take a little while to get it the way I want, but it is already coming together. Tomorrow I am going to do another shopping trip to get a coffee maker, phone so all you guys at home can call me, food, and other randomness.

It is really exciting be living in the city. Never ever would I have thought that I would be in the middle of the fastest growing city in the world. I do not consider myself a city girl, but then again in college I never thought I would be a small-town girl. While it is going to be more of a hectic lifestyle living in the city I am actually really excited about it. It's cool b/c I can walk to the main subway station and pretty much get where ever I want (as I said, location is one of the best parts about this place).

I am not posting pictures quite yet because the landlords are getting a new bed today for the guest room and the second couch still needs to get re-covered. Oh, and there are boxes everywhere and I cannot even see my bed b/c of the mound of clothes on it. Anyways, pictures will come shortly.

I just also realized that from out of my window I can see the Jin Mao (which was the tallest building but is now the third tallest) and next to it the tallest building in the world is getting built. Pretty cool, I know, kind of makes you want to come visit :)

Hmmm, what else can I see of interest.... I guess those are the coolest things. But below me I see lots of people and above me are really tall buildings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow--- your first apartment, on your own, and in Shanghai! Yes, your descriptions are making me eager to make the trip... and i think even Earl is coming too!
Can't wait to see the pics!!!
Luv ya,