Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Great Day...

Today was a great day. I went with a group of about 16 other people to a town outside of Shanghai to play soccer. I do realize that I play soccer just about every weekend or so, but that soccer is 7 aside on a turf field. While it is fun, it does not compare with playing 11 aside on a grass field. It has been almost two years since I have played 11 aside and I forgot how much I love it. We played a Chinese team and it was loads of fun. For once in my life I did not have to play goalie, and I honestly think I prefer field now. The best part was that I scored a diving header goal! After the game we went swimming (which I have not done in awhile), then went to lunch, followed by a foot massage. I now want to play soccer so much more. I cannot wait to get back to San Diego to play again. All in all a very fun day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that DOES sound like a fun Day!