Sunday, June 08, 2008

Just thought I should post something

So it has been two weeks or so since I have posted anything, mainly because life here seems like it has been a bit crazy. Not so much crazy in a bad way, but just busy. I remember when I was in school teachers always seemed a bit all over the place at the end of the year, and that is how I feel. The good news is that things are coming to a very nice end. I am having a good time both socially and at work, so it makes life fun. I have been able to play more soccer and volleyball and have been loving it. I just finished my last credential course (minus my student teaching) and my reports and being checked as I type.

Last weekend my class had a class BBQ at one of the family's house and it was good fun. I realize how much I like the students and parents in my class and that I have been lucky to have such a good group. Surprisingly it was good to be able to talk to parents outside of a work setting. I am going to miss my little kids and I think I might try to make the conversion to teach Primary School when I get back. The little ones have grown on me.

Hmmm... what other updates are there? I guess here is the breakdown of my time in China:
  • 3 weeks left of school (13 1/2 days to be exact)
  • 4 weeks till my cousin Ryan comes to visit. We may go to Sichuan province, but not sure b/c of the earthquake.
  • 49 days till I am back in San Diego
I guess that is it for now. Life is good, China is good, weather is not too hot (yet), and just enjoying the day to day craziness of life and China.

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