Sunday, March 16, 2008

A brief update

I realize I have not posted in a bit, but life has been crazy over here and unfortunately I have not being doing anything too exciting or worthy of putting on my log. However, I have decided that I will have to resort to putting some not too exciting stuff on my blog just so that I can put a post up.

The past three weeks have not been the most fun of my life (I will admit) but have been getting better. Three weeks ago I had an incident with one of my students in which he went into a fit hitting and kicking teachers and throwing the tables and chairs in our play room for an hour and a half (it took that long to calm him down). Let's just say it was a very emotional and stressful day that made the week stressful too. Then the following week (two weeks ago) had to do follow up with the students and family and I was sick too. It was not a good combination. However, with the drama from that student being taken care of, despite being sick, it was a better week. Then last week,I got a terrible tooth ache and had to get a root canal and had two nights of parents' consultation. Despite these two things, my week was the best in the past few weeks. Who would have thought a a root canal and Parents' Nights could make for a good week? Yesterday I went on another Hash run to some mountains outside of Shanghai, and it was good fun. I am convinced that this week is going to be great. Oh, and after this week I get a week off and will be traveling around China (woo hoo!).

So I guess that is what has been happening. Despite it all, life is still good. Been running and playing soccer more, which is great! Meeting fun people and having a good time with my friends. Enjoying the fact that it is becoming warmer and the sun is shining more than it has been in the past. Sunshine is always a good thing.

My students are good and are a lot of fun. It is fun to see how much they are learning and have learned and they make me laugh. The last funny thing they did was we were reviewing the sounds "b" and "f". I had them share items beginning with these sounds, and then in their books they had to write three sentences saying "It is a ____" and fill in the blank with a "f" or "b" word and draw three pictures. One of my very cheeky students wrote (and had his table follow his lead) "It is a botim" and drew a picture of a butt and even colored it peach. So their whole table all had pictures of "botims" in their books. I really didn't know what to say because "Botim" does start with "b".

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