Sunday, September 30, 2007

The wedding

As I have mentioned before, one of the hardest things about being in China is being so far away from everyone and everything back home. The internet and the phone makes being away so much easier, but it doesn't make going to events any easier. This past month was my friend's wedding in which I was a bridesmaid. This is a wedding that I have been anticipating for a long time so there was no question that even though I am in China I would make it back. For whatever reason I really didn't take into consideration how far I really am from Los Angeles and that I would be taking off a week of work during the fourth week of school, which for those who teach know the beginning of the year is crazy. As the date got closer to the wedding and things got crazier for me at school I really started to doubt if deciding to go back was the right decision, but then again, how do you tell one of your best friends that? And so I was torn. I realized that once again I hadn't thought through what I really committed myself too. However, as much as I wanted to take the easy way out and not go, I knew that I would regret not watching my friend walk down the aisle. And so I went.

It was a crazy five days starting with the moment I landed I had to get my dress altered and find shoes and help with getting wedding stuff. It was difficult being in Orange County, so close to home, but not being able to see everyone. And I admit, it was a bit stressful. Even while I was there I questioned if I made the right decision and whether or not it was worth it because of some of the drama that went on and the fact that I flew across the world to spend most of my time running errands.

Well, as soon as the day arrived all the questioning that I had went away. Seeing Jen in her dress and Tim in his tux made me realize that I would have regretted not being able to see them get married. As the wedding began and I walked down the aisle, I could not have been happier and then, when Jen walked down the aisle to meet Tim and exchange vows I realized that nothing could have made me miss them getting married. The wedding was a blast and when everything was said and done, there was a lot of drama and it was not easy for me to get out to the wedding, but it was worth it.

I learned a lot through this experience. I have learned that I need to look into what I am committing myself to when I travel back home and that it is not just a cross country flight but rather a cross world flight. I have learned that making sub plans for a week and having to come back to work after having a sub can be a mess. But, most importantly, I have learned that there are somethings that are worth the hassle.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Soccer = Happiness

For those of you who know me know that I love soccer. For me, soccer is happiness. When I am playing soccer I am truly happy (ok, sometimes when I am losing or get no action I am not happy), but I do love being able to play. Last year was difficult because I didn't get to play soccer that often. I was not on a team and I truly missed it. Going from playing on three teams in San Diego to no teams in China was difficult. Well, this last weekend I found a sports league that has pick up soccer games every Sunday. I showed up not knowing what to expect. Well, it turned into 2 hours of playing and I absolutely loved it. I will be honest, it was 15 guys and me, but it was so much fun. At first they were skeptical of me and I had to prove that I can play, and I think I did that. Today I am sore, but it is a good sore that comes form playing. I also an joining a 7 aside co[ed league and am super stoked. What this means is that I will have soccer twice a week. Actually, I will have soccer 4 times a week because in October I start to coach. I will have my pick up games on Sunday, co-ed games on Monday, coach practice on Wednesday, and coach games on Thursday. I am so stoked to have soccer back in my life again.

Oh, and not to mention that the Women's World Cup is in China too for soccer. Last Friday I saw the Japan vs. Argentina game and the England vs. Germany game. Tomorrow I will see USA vs. Nigeria and I hope to go to the 3rd/4th place game and finals. Man, I never thought I would be at the Women;s World Cup. It makes me wish I would have tried harder at soccer so I could play competitively, but I am happy that I can just play now.

So life is good right now. I am so happy to have options to play again. Last year I was definitely missing soccer, so now I am so excited to play again. I LOVE soccer!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Balancing two lives

This year I am finally coming to the acceptance that my life is not in America anymore. It is a hard realization, but after one full year of living abroad and transitioning into my second year I am slowing coming to the point where I am acknowledging that my life is officially in China, at least for the time being. What becomes difficult is trying to figure out how much of my life in America do I hold onto? It is hard having relationships back home that I want to keep going, and so the effort is worth it, but it is difficult not being able to be a part of things. I am blessed to have the internet and phone to keep in touch with people, but I am now coming to grips with the fact that I just cannot be home for every event, as much as I want to. At times I wish people back home could see my life here, which is why I have my blog, so people can stay connected to what I am doing and what I am experiencing, but I admit it is hard at times to be so far away.

Last year I didn't feel the pull because I was only going to be gone for one year, so it was a long trip, an adventure, but now I am heading into two years. This year it also seems as more events are happening back home, mainly weddings and babies, which are big events and I want to be a part of. I am the type of person who hates missing out on things, so I want to be there for everything, but I have to accept that I just cannot be there for somethings.

So, honestly, I am learning to balance my two lives that I have. At times it become difficult trying to determine what to come home for and what not to, and so I become torn. Knowing that if I was in America I would be home at the drop of a dime, but now that option is not there. I also realize how much I do value the relationships, which makes the balancing act a little more difficult but part of me wants to be able to be there, but the more logical part of me tells me it just isn't possible.

But, regardless, it is good to know that the reason this becomes difficult is that I have good things happening in China and there are good things happening back home, but it makes making decisions just that much harder.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

My apartment

Well, my apartment is not 100% together and I still need to buy random things to decorate and make is complete, but it is good enough for pictures. So, for all of you who have been wondering what my apartment looks like here are some pictures.

This is what it looks like on the inside from my bedroom window. There is a center court yard area and you can see how big the buildings are. I just like that there is a little bit of green in the city.

This is also from my window looking out onto the street. The street below is Fuzhou Lu.

This is a shot of the my apartment from the entry way. As you can see it is pretty basic, but definitely does the job.

My dining/living room.

This is my couch I just got recovered. I really like the green color. I just wish they would have recovered my other couch, but I can't complain because the brown and tan combo is much better than the anilam print that it was.

This is the painting close up. I am really proud of it because I made it. Yes, you read that correctly, I painted it. Last week I decided to try to paint. Across from me are a bunch of paint and art supply stores, so I decided to try to paint something. I had no idea how to use oil paints, but I am pleased with how it came out. OK, enough about my painting and onto more or my apartment.

My kitchen.
This is my bedroom. It is small, but I have my living room to hangout in. There are shelves and a closet, but I didn't want to bore you with those pictures.

My bathroom

So that is a brief tour of where I live. As I get more settled I like it more and more. Of course it has its little quarks (like the apple print bed) but overall it is quite nice.