Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ahhh.... the joys of China travel

The past two days have been super mellow. Actually, both Ryan and I are needing to do something active because we have done nothing the past few days. Anyways, not what I am menat to be writing about...

Since our trip is coming to an end (sad) we have to make it donw to Kunming for our flight. Our original plan was to take a four hour bus from Shangrila to Lijiang, stay the night, and then take another bus the next moring (about 3 hours) to Dali to break up the trip; however, plans changed. Since we are not the biggest fans of Lijiang, we decided it would be better just to take the long bus all the way to Dali, and so we did.

The trip was about 7 1/2 hours on a small bus. Neither Ryan nor I could fit our legs in the amounted leg room without having at least one leg in the aisle. I thought that we would never get out of Shangrila as our bus driver drove for about 30 min trying to pick up people to make sure every seat was filled. It was so frudtrating as I thought we got tickets for the Express Bus (meaning it would go faster). Also, sitting behing us was a girld who, for about an hour, slurped louder than anyone I have ever heard on some drink or soup thing while the other passengers talked excessively loud on their phones. This, cobined with our driver going extremely slow, made me almost want to some hoe switch buses, but that would just leave me stranded somewhere on the side of the road in China, which I though would be a bad idea.

So the first half the driver moved at a snails pace, then, out of no where, he picked up speed. Of course the section he decided to drive fast was on a windy mountain road with blind turns and a cliff on one side. I am convinced that the bus drivers have some special power to let them know when it is ok to pass someone on a blind turn. Oh well, this just makes travelling interesting I guess.

Anyways, the good news is we survived the bus ride and are now in Dali. We have two full days which will be spent biking and maybe hiking, then on the third day we are off to Kunming before having to fly back to Shanghai. When we return I will be sure to post man many many pictures. Some pictures are (just to leave you in suspense)

The toothpaste box full of chickens on the bus
A double rainbow with a monastary
Fileds of Yaks
The villages we stayed in

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