Sunday, December 02, 2007


Being in a British school has left me outnumbered. Out of about 85 staff there are only 2 Americans (including myself). As a result, there are many American things that people just don't understand. So as November rolled around and Thanksgiving came up of course other people hadn't given two thoughts about what they would be doing on the fourth Thursday of November. However, seeing that I have yet to miss a Thanksgiving, asked Colter (the other American) if he would want to do anything. What started out as four of us going to dinner turned into a group of about 15 of us. The was a buffet dinner at a restaurant called City Diner, so we all went there. It was fun because for some it was their very first Thanksgiving dinner. Now, I will admit it was not as good as a home-cooked Thanksgiving and there were no mashed potatoes (I know?!?) but over all it was a good time had by all. It ended like any other traditional Thanksgiving dinner with people eating and drinking just a bit too much, we just didn't have any leftovers the next day. I have come to enjoy Thanksgiving because it is a time t bring people together to eat and drink a bit too much, but just have a good time. The best part of having it at a restaurant was no one had to cook or clean up.

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