Sunday, December 02, 2007

Funny kidz stuff

I realize that people wonder how the heck I can work with 4-5 year olds all day long and stay sane. At times I wonder this myself as I ave been known to not be the most patient person on the planet, but somehow I manage. I think what keep me going is how cute and innocent the kids are. They are so sweet and are always good for a laugh. While I know my story-telling abilities are usually shite, bare with me as I tell some of my favorite stories so far.

"The Elephant with Four Eyes"
One of my assignments I had my students do was identify and color their favorite animal. Basically it was an easy task of choosing a coloring sheet, coloring it, and then cutting it out and gluing into their Topic Book for "Favorite Animal". There was no creating the animal, or gluing anything to the animal, just pick it put, color it, and cut it out. This assignment was done during one of my free periods, so another teacher was supervising my class. When I returned to the class students were shouting to me "Miss Fudge, look, I like cats!" "See my tiger!" "Miss Fudge, I like dogs" and so on. As I walked around the classroom I went up to a boy John who said, "Look, Miss Fudge, I like elephants." As I looked at his elephant, he had strategically drawn on a piece of paper a line with to dots to each side (looking very similar to a penis) and had glued it (even though nothing was told to get glued to the picture) where the genitals would be. A bit shocked and puzzled as to why he had done this, I pointed to the line and two dots and asked, "John, what are these?" "Eyes. My elephant has four eyes." I wasn't quite sure how to respond but I also did not want to explain to him that those were not eyes, so now John's elephant has four eyes.

"F,f,f.... fish!"
Part of our curriculum is teaching phonics and words that begin with all the letter sounds. For example: c,c,c, cat and d,d,d dog. One day (of course when a parent was helping out) I was teaching the sound 'f'. I asked the kids to shout out words that begin with this sound. So began the shouting of words "f,f,f, four!" "f,f,f, five" "f,f,f, fox" "f,f,f, Miss Fudge" "f,f,f, F*#@!". As I heard the word come out of little Andy's mouth I could only look up to the mother looking at me wondering how I would handle this.. "No, Andy, give me a new one." "Ok, f,f,f, fish" he replied. "Great job," I responded, as I tried to move on as if nothing had happened, praying that none of the other kids would pick up on this 'f' word.

Love at the Age of Four
My friend Sheridan and I team teach a lot, so our kids all know each other very well and they know both Sheridan and I well. What this has resulted in is students wanting to go into each other's classrooms to share with both the other students and with Sheridan and I. This also has resulted in some very close friendships between the two classes as well. What four year olds do not know is the crushes begin at this age and they are very apparent. One of these crushes that has formed is between one of my girls, Cynthia, and one of Sheridan's boys, Jason. One afternoon Cynthia came up to me, "Miss Fudge, can I go to Miss Potter's class?" "Why?" I asked. "To give Jason a high five," she responded. "Why do you want to give him a high five?" I continued to questioned. "Because we're in love." Ain't four year old love cute?

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