Friday, October 26, 2007

Back home...

As much as I feel at home in Shanghai right now, San Diego will always be called, "home." Earlier this week I received a call from my brother stating that my mom was being evacuated because of the fires. Seeing that I am in China, I did not know about the fires so I admit I dismissed them for not being too big, until the next morning when I woke up to look up what was happening. Reading about everything and how big the fires are shocked me. Being able to see a list of all the homes that were lost in the neighborhood I grew up in has made me speechless. While my family is alright some of my friends have not been so lucky. It is hard to know what to say and do when people you know and love have lost so much. I want so badly to be back to help out, but what would I be able to do? I remember when my dad died and how people in the communities of Rancho Bernardo and Poway helped to step up and provide for my family during our loss, and this is what I want so badly to do but realize I cannot be there to do anything. But I do know that San Diego is doing a great job with support and that many people are volunteering at shelters and evacuation centers to help to make the best of a bad situation. For all of you who are reading this and have experienced a loss or have been effected by the fire know that my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, for all of you are giving your time know that your time is appreciated by many people in San Diego. I cannot imagine what it must be like being in San Diego and I know I will be in a bit of shock when I return over Christmas and see the damage.

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