Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cameron Highlands... Malaysia

Jungle friends from Thailand

The beaches in Thailand are GORGEOUS

My Xmas video

I realize it is a little bit past Christmas, but better late than never. Here is the link to my Christmas trip to Hong Kong. We tried to make it as much as a traditional Chirstmas as possible with a tree and stockings and all the fun stuff. Anyways, enjoy the video.

You should be able to copy and paste the link above.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Pee Pee Island

Our first beach stop was Krabbi where we stayed at Railley Beach. We then went to Phi Phi Island (pronounced Pee Pee). This island was one that was hit hardest by the tsunami, but is also one of the most beautiful places ever. The water was so clear and gorgeous. There were green hills on the island and the weather was warm. I was able to play beach volleyball, and I was in heaven!!!

Anyways, I will stop about the beauty because I will post pictures later. One night we (Jackie, John, Tarah, Amber, and I) were walking around. It was our last night as a family (since Tarah, Amber, and I would be leaving for Malaysia the next day). I wanted some dessert, something sweet. I decided to be healthy, so instead of gelato I would get mango. I found a stand and waited to be served. As I chose my mango I felt something on my foot. Considering there were bugs everywhere, and getting a mosquito bite was not uncommon I figured it was a bug, until I realized it was wet. I admit, I was perplexed, so I looked down to see a 3 year old Thai girl in a cute little dress squatting. I jumped back, realizing that she was squatting and peeing, not just on the ground outside her mom's shop but also on my feet! Everyone was else was laughing, so had to laughed. How do you respond when a little girl pees on your foot? The reality is it is kind of funny, although completely gross. A couple walked by and thought it was "Cute." Cute? Funny maybe, but not cute. Oh well, I guess it puts a new meaning to the name Pee Pee Island.


"One night in Bangkok makes a proud man humble..." as the song goes. Well, we spent two nights in Bangkok. We got in to Laosan street (which is a huge backpakers street) at like 9:30 at night. Having travelled all day and walking with our huge packs, we only needed a room for three people. As we trusged up and down the street with our Lonely Planet as our guide, we realized that we would not be finding any places suggested in the book, so we wold have to stay at the first place we found. Our room was a one bed cement crap whole. We did have a toilet, but to flush we had to fill a bucket up with water and pur it into the toilet. It was above a bar and it was a little loud, but it was a place to stay. The next day we would set out to find a better place, but we were hungry and wanted to put our packs down.

The next day we realized that finding a reasonably priced room for three people would be hard, so we settled for a room that had a bed the size of a double bed and was no larger than a lrage closet. THe highlight of the room was the tv where we watched the news update on the 2008 presidential candidates. The low was the tv in the room next to us and the the walls were paper thin so none of us slept at all because we were crammed into a double bed listening to the tv next door till after three in the morning.

The highlights ins Bangkok had to be the food. The street food was amazing. There was mango and sticky rice which was to die for along with pad thai (sp?) and skewers and plain mango and these fried crepe like pancakes with banana... During the day we walked around and found this park. The park was so cool and there was a path that weaved itself around. There was a pavillion where a band played and there were dancers. However, instead of listening to the music I joined in witht hese Thai guys playing a soccer type juggling game. The ball was this woven platic type ball which was kicked around in a circle. After the music stopped the pavillion was cleared for an aerobics class.

Overall Bangkok was alright. The people were cool, but just another city.

It has been a long time

Right now I am in the middle of Chinese New Year. Before I thought Chinese New Year was a crazy street party with dragons and the sort, and while there are probably areas with these parades, what it really means for China is a national holiday. So, I get three weeks off of work!!! Yes! Anyways, Our break started on Feb. 3 and goes to the 25th. Since I get some much time off I have decided to travel with my friends Tarah and Amber (well, my friend Jackie and her boyfriend John were with us for half of it). Our original plan was to go to Thailand (the islands, then Laos, Cambodia, and come back through North Thailand); however, we realized that we would not have enough time, so we chose to go to just Cambodia and Thailand... but since plans always change, the week before we changed our minds and would do Thailand for half and Malaysia for the other part.

With just our plane tickets in and out of Bangkok, we set off from Shanghai for a travel adventure. Right now I have been travelling for about 12 days, and have seen and experienced amazing things. Of course we have encountered the realities of travelling: gross bathrooms, overbooked hotels, paying too much for things, realizing that where we want to go is not open b/c of the season, and things like that, but I have realized that this is the experience of travelling and exploring. I have taken many pictures, but cannot post them till I get back, but I will share random moments for our trip.