Saturday, January 26, 2008

Freaking freezing

Right now China is freaking freezing. Now, I love the snow (as can be seen in my earlier posts) but the problem with Shanghai is that inside apartments are cold. You may be saying in your head "Sarah, turn your heater on, stop being so cheap" but my heater is on and it is still cold. It is set for 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) but it is still cold. I am sitting here with my pj pants, socks, and a fleece and my feet are numb. I attribute this to the fact that there is not central heating (only one unit per room that don't work super well) not to mention the zero insulated walls, and the fake hard wood floors (that are cold). Man, it is not fun. Oh well, such is life.

Right now it is snowing outside. The snow is melting when it hits the ground, but it is snowing. Someone said this is the coldest it has been in 10 years, and I believe it. I am bummed because I have a week off the week after next and I decided not to go to Thailand based on how much tickets were, now I am wishing I could be on a beach with the sun and warmth. Such is life and I know that I will get through it. I can now say that I have lived abroad and in a place where it snows. I am just going to have to think warm thoughts for now and drink warm beverages, but considering I love coffee that is not such a bad thing.

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