Monday, March 19, 2007

Lack of newness

Today I was thinking about how I really do not post as much to my blog as I did in the past. When I first got to China EVERYTHING was exciting and everything was an adventure or at least an experience. Routine trips like going to the grocery store became big ordeals. Even just walking around being surrounded Chinese speakers was something to write about. No matter what it was I was doing I was excited to share it with everyone. When I began teaching I was daily filled with stories of me being frustrated with my kids as I tried to manage 17 4 and 5 year olds who barely knew English. Not to mention, I had to figure out how the heck I would teach Kindergartners. Sure I was in Kindergarten, but what did I know about teaching it? What did I know about kids? What did I know about classroom management? And so everything was new and the inspiration to write came naturally and easily because my head was filled with thoughts everything new I had done that day.

Well, now I have been in China for 7 months now. It is weird to say it. And I realize that I have fallen into the routine of life. I never thought I would have a routine, but I do. I have the same foods I buy at the grocery store and the same restaurants and bars I like to go to and my coffee shops and lesson plans and running routes... And my life seems boring since the "newness" has worn off. What excited me before about being in China kind of doesn't anymore and I feel like I have nothing to say, but I realize that even though everything I do doesn't carry the same excitement that it did the first week I moved to China, things happen everyday, and I still have things to write about. So I am going to try to record more of my life in China. I am going to try to share my day-to-day life with those who care to read it. At times the events might now be super exciting, but whose life is always exciting (well, unless you are on a sitcom or something). But I will try to share the best of the best moments, which there are quite a few.

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