Saturday, December 09, 2006

My hair

One of my biggest concerns with coming to China was about my hair and what I would do when I needed to get it cut. To begin, curly hair is hard enough to cut back home and I have gotten some pretty bad hair cuts in the past when people don't know how to cut curly hair and comsidering Chinese women do not have curly hair I admit I was concerned. Oh, and there is the whole language barrier and wondering how the heck I would tell a hair dresser how I want my hair to be cut. Anyways, I am now going on four months of being in China (yes, it has been that long) and my hair was definatley needing to get cut. Since I was hesitant about what I would do with my hair, I put off doing anything until today.

So, you may be wondering how my mari cut experience went in China, and to be honest it went well. I had to call friends to talk to the hair dressers for me to make sure they knew what I wanted. Oh, and what I mean by what I "wanted" what I decided (and I decided this yesterday) was to avoid having to worry about my curly hair in China and I got my hair straightened. So, as of today, I no longer have curly hair and my hair is pretty much as straight as straight hair can be. To be honest, I love it!!!! I cannot wash it for three days or pull it back for a week, but I am excited for straight hair. What's crazy is how long it is now because my hair now goes do to just below my shoulders and above my shoulder blades. And yes, I will send pictures (I just don't have any yet).

Anyways, that is the big news of this week, I know that I am excited. I do admit, I was freaking out a little before I got it done. I had a few phone conversations with my friends for some support because this is a big deal for me. Now that it is done I really like it and do not regret it. Sure I will miss my curls, but they will grow back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

At least you have hair to worry about. Can't wait to see your new straight look (although you are beautiful with any hair style). lets see some pics!

Sounds like you are having a great experience in China. We will miss you over christmas, but there will be many more to share with you.

Love Billy