Saturday, October 27, 2007

Running and running and running...

This morning I was going to be late for my pilates class so I thought, "I will just go for a run." My friend asked if I wanted to do brunch and I told him sure, but I need to go running first so I will be back in like 45 minutes. I set out with my Ipod in hand for my run. There is a loop I had done before and started down that way but wanted to go just a bit further. Well as I kept running and running and running I realized I had no idea where I was. I thought I was in the right direction so I kept running. After about over an hour I decided to ask a Hotel where I was. They showed me a map and I realized I was completely in the wrong direction. I was told that I could run down this one road and I would be close to where I needed to be in about 1/2 hour. So I took off feeling optimistic till I realized nothing was looking familiar. I had no phone or money to catch a cab or subway so I was not sure what to do. I found a VW dealership and figured someone would speak English and point me in the right direction. Well, I found out that I had somehow ran to the other side of Shanghai and was no where near my home. Anyways, the guy who was helping me told me he could drive me to a subway station. We got in his car and he realized that he didn't have his wallet, which meant no money for me to catch the subway, so he volunteered to drive me home. As we drove we talked and listened to 50 Cent and I was completely embarrassed about how far off track I had run and really had not idea that I was that far away. Just to let you know how far I had run, it took us about 15 minutes to drive to my apartment. We laughed at the situation and I got out of the car. Needless to say, I did not make brunch.

I have learned a valuable lesson about running, I need to bring the 3 M's: money, map, and mobile phone. The good thing about this is that there is a 1/2 Marathon coming up and I thought I could not run that far, but today I accidentally proved myself wrong and I ran for quite awhile; however, I still am not sure if I will do the 1/2 marathon. These things happen to the best of us, right? At least I can laugh at myself.

1 comment:

Allison Priola said...

Hey there Fudge- I saw a link to your blog and thought I would check it out. fun to get an update! I would love to hear more from you and your adventures in China!
love ya