Saturday, September 01, 2007

My apartment

Well, my apartment is not 100% together and I still need to buy random things to decorate and make is complete, but it is good enough for pictures. So, for all of you who have been wondering what my apartment looks like here are some pictures.

This is what it looks like on the inside from my bedroom window. There is a center court yard area and you can see how big the buildings are. I just like that there is a little bit of green in the city.

This is also from my window looking out onto the street. The street below is Fuzhou Lu.

This is a shot of the my apartment from the entry way. As you can see it is pretty basic, but definitely does the job.

My dining/living room.

This is my couch I just got recovered. I really like the green color. I just wish they would have recovered my other couch, but I can't complain because the brown and tan combo is much better than the anilam print that it was.

This is the painting close up. I am really proud of it because I made it. Yes, you read that correctly, I painted it. Last week I decided to try to paint. Across from me are a bunch of paint and art supply stores, so I decided to try to paint something. I had no idea how to use oil paints, but I am pleased with how it came out. OK, enough about my painting and onto more or my apartment.

My kitchen.
This is my bedroom. It is small, but I have my living room to hangout in. There are shelves and a closet, but I didn't want to bore you with those pictures.

My bathroom

So that is a brief tour of where I live. As I get more settled I like it more and more. Of course it has its little quarks (like the apple print bed) but overall it is quite nice.


Anonymous said...

Your apartment looks great!!! I love your painting. I have a feeling it won't be your last!
Luv ya,

Anonymous said...

As long as it stays in your apartment!