Monday, August 14, 2006

And I am off...

I am officially off to China. Right not I feel like I am more than bipolar because my emotions change every second from being excited to nervous to scared to stoked to feeling like I want to vomit... My bro tells me that I will probably feel like I am going to vomit for the first week. At this moment I am sitting in the waiting area to board my flight at 1:30 am for probably the most exciting, life changing year so far. My friends are not here yet, so it is just me but I keep looking for them with anticipation so that I know that I will have at least 4 English speaking friends in China. I am not sure what to think at this moment, so I am trying my best not to think at all.

So, for all of you that are going to be following me around this year, I hope you enjoy what I have to say and do. I have no idea what to expect, so enjoy this journey with me. Hopefully I will get to see some of you over this year if we do any travelling together, but for those that won't make it to China (or other various countries) I will post pictures and videos (if I can figure out how) so that you can see what is going on.

So tune in for stories from the other side of the world.

1 comment:

Nicole Summerfield said...

yea! she is finally gone after 3 going away parties! i will follow u through this year for sure - my new email though is:

miss ya already!