Friday, November 23, 2007

Britsh lingo

I never thought I would change my vocabulary, but working at a British School now has me changing the way I talk. I do not have a British accent at all (actually, many think I have the strongest accent in the school) but it does have me picking up words and phrases. Some of these are:

Take the piss- Make fun of
Football- Soccer
Jumper- Sweater
Trousers- Pants
Biscuits- Cookies
Bloody hell- What the heck?
Tidy up- Clean up
Rubbish- Trash
P.E. Kit- P.E. uniform
Mum- Mom

These are just some of them. I know there are more that I have picked up but I cannot think of them off the top of my head. I will add to the list as I start to adapt more British words and phrases.

My first soccer team

I have now been in China for one year and three months and one of the things I have missed most was having a soccer team to play on. Coming from San Diego I was on three teams so it was difficult to be on none for over a year. However, I am now on a team. The league is 7 aside and my team's name is The Penguins (it was meant to be a joke name, but it stuck). It is a co-ed league but only because I make it co-ed. I thought being the only girl would be weird, but it is fun and the guys on my team are great. We have only had one game, but we won! Here is a link to check out th team photo: I just have to say that I love soccer. Oh, and working at a British School now has me calling soccer football.